Rory and City enjoy playing with Pyper as soon as they get home from school each day, helping to get her jammies on and snuggling with her before bed. She is cooing and sucking on her fingers all the time now. I cant believe she is already growing so fast. It seems faster for Rich because he has only been able to come home every few weeks or so. I know its been real hard for him so I try to keep pics updated on the web for him to see, and of course web camming when we can.
I am happy to have my body back to normal, now my battles are just making sure I keep a full supply of milk and washing bright yellow poopy diapers. I am so lucky to be able to stay home and be with my children, whom I enjoy every second with. They are definitely the best girls in the world (sorry to be byest). I guess I'm pretty much saying I have it good, no Great! Thanks for spoiling me Rich, I love you.