Well finally a visit home. What a gift from the lord. I was just sinking into a depressing state of caged up reality when Rich calls up to tell me we are finally able to go to the states for Iqama (residency visa) processing. Yahoo!!! I guess the shock from Thailand back to my guilded cage in Riyadh was a bit too much because I seriously started to cry from happiness. We were outta there in about one week, packed and tickets in hand. My mom had visited Chestertucky the previous month but I missed her, so Janae talked her into coming back for one more week with me. It was such an amazing break. And we even got a holiday, Halloween, my favorite. Rory had such a great idea, Madusa. I love it when my girls give me a creative blank canvas to work with, costumes have become my favorite art project each year. City decided to be a "Man eating Siren". She did have a seductive blond wig too. (what am I teaching my children?)
Well being away from Daddy got old very quick, but he came at least every other weekend to see us. Mom and Dad McClellan let us stay with them, in turn I helped out around the house. My favorite part was the misc. tiling patch jobs. I forgot how much I enjoy tiling/mosaics.
My mom and me and the girls drove around downtown, I felt like tourist. We went to the West side market and drove around in the flats checking out bridges. and then to the Rock hall to teach the girls about Elvis. I couldn't stop taking pictures the whole day, even on Mom and Dad's street. I can't believe I already forgot how breathtaking it is in Ohio in the fall, I practically wrecked ten times, just staring into the woods. Wow.

Rory goes to my beautician Kelly

Siren City and Madusa Rory for Halloween

Pyper's first pumpkin carving

Shaylee came yardsaling with me and Janae and Gramma Lee,
we took a break to play on the grassy hill.

City loses Tooth # 3

Cousin Kaela's exclusive birthday outing

McClellan family eirloom buggy, soooo cool!