Monday, October 12, 2009

The RunBug

Well I ran my first Half Marathon yesterday (13.5 miles) it was invigorating. I started training in January, I took a longer than normal training period so I could progress nice and slow. I think I have an ankle condition called posterior tibia tendonitis or something. Basically from exercising too much. But the doc said just take the training slower. It has been cool seeing my ankles develop their stamina for longer periods of runs. Weather may have a bit to do with how they feel too. I began my run a bit fast and it was on concrete which is what pushed them into pain in the beginning, but after we got onto the towpath which is just dirt they began to feel better. 
The morning was a bit cloudy but dry at least, and the run ended up so beautiful. All the fall colors are starting to come out here, I just love this time of year. I was a bit surprised at how people did not pace themselves, I noticed them slow down a lot near the end because their bodies were giving out. Keeping yourself at a slow steady pace was the biggest advice I had read or herd so I was surprised. 

I have really enjoyed going through this process of learning bout myself and body. I have always hated running with a passion which is why I decided to face that issue head on. I was determined to love running and now I think I at least like it. The actual activity itself is still rough but I love how I feel afterwards. My favorite is surprising myself with how long my run was.  There is something ritualistic about running a new rout and then driving around in my car watching the trip clock how many miles I ran. So in all I guess I am just surprised to find that at nearly thirty I have a new found love. Not to say I will become a serious runner, but I have definitely caught the run bug.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Homeward bound

Me and the girls went back to Pocatello last week, wow what a trip! We stayed with John and Elisha, they've been there for about a year, although now they are moving to Colorado. Janae and Tammy came to see us while were there and we all had so much fun. Monopoly was by far the funnest. We also developed a "Lee's coolest 80's movies" list. We also went down memory lane listening to Mannheim Steam roller and Yaz (Erasure). I am sure glad I took this opportunity to go down to visit them and do a bunch of other cool things like: 
Go to the D.I.
Go to the Cottage
Eat at Bamboo Gardens with Terry and Gail
See the long missed western sunrise with my girls
run through the sage brush
get spring water from scout mountain
pick pussy willows from the canal
hike up to the I
play in the rocks at Ross park
swing at ross park
visit my daddy's grave
Go to Tagen's reception
We also visited Mike and his family in Bicknell Utah, near Capitol Reef National Park (Kinda like Zion's). 
Rich and I went to Manti for Tagen's wedding which was so beautiful, Im so proud of her!
After settling in we took Rich out for a double date for his birthday, we ate amazing food at Cafe Diablo, mmm!
On Sunday we had a great time skipping church and driving around the mountains looking at amazing Rock formations. My favorite sites were the 1,000 year old petroglyphs on the base of some of the cliff walls. Natives etched pictures in the stone.