I have no idea how to spell that. So this is only a glimps of the worlds most cool bus. Well actually its a Jeep thing. It is modeled after the world war 2 military trasportation vehicles. The Filipinos liked them so much after the Americans left that they used them for their own transportation and the fad began. Now days they are totally pimped out and customized to each drivers style specs. Sme people put a lot of money into it to look flashy and others are just run down but still working. They are the most common form of transportation here. The locals ride them everywhere for something rediculous like (.40 cents) 20P or something. I have not had the luxry of riding in one yet. If we stay here for the long haul I plan to buy (don't tell Rich) a short one for our family's Mormon attack vehicle. It is basically an extended normal jeep, but "awesomer" nonetheless.
I'm surpised you haven't taken a ride in one yet. Sounds like an adventure. Somehow I'm not surprised that you are out and about on a exploration. :0)
Yeah, mee too. Oh well. everyone says it is more dangerous..but maybe today we will. we are going to tour old own manila. :o) are you having fun with spring comming in? I miss you
I Love having spring here! OUr trees are starting to blossom and I try to be outside every chance I get! I am enving your fresh produce and warm weather however. I miss you too! Have an adventure for me!
good evening dudes. I'm actually into shoes and I have been looking for the sake of that particular make. The prices due to the fact that the boots were approximately 170 bucks on every page. But for all I set this area selling them someone is concerned half price. I exceptionally want these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]prada sneakers[/url]. I will definetly order these. what is your opinion?
good afternoon people. I'm really into shoes and I had been searching for the sake of that particular make. The prices as regards the boots were all over 330 pounds on every site. But completely I found this site selling them as a remedy for half price. I exceptionally love these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely buy them. what do you think?
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