Finally a minute to sit and reflect. I am ready to jump into the next phase of my life, Graduated finally and surrounded by amazing people. I couldn't have asked for a better life. My kids are angels, my hubby is supportive and, well, HOT. My mommy came out to visit me for two weeks. And my siblings want to come to Kirtland for our Family reuinion. Seriously I don't think life gets any better than this. I love you all. :o)
Nice to see you. You have such a nice licking stick in your mouth Heather. I am just about to graduate from the FBI National Academy on June 12, 2009. I have been here at the Academy since April 1, 2009 and I am ready to go home. This is a long time to be away from my family, job and church calling. I have many people who have made this training possible. I sit in my dorm room after I complete my home work and look at a few blogs. It keeps me up to date on what is going on. Well you all take care and it was nice to see how you are doing. Terry Felsman
Congrats girl!!! I'm so proud of you. Way to stick with it.
You are pretty blessed but there are also so many that are blessed to know you and to be inspired by you!! Keep up the good work. You are awesome!
Thanks for your encouragement. WOW Uncle Terry FBI eh? Sounds like you are really on a heavy duty detective path. Sounds like a lot of hard work but hopefully worth it. Aren't you the head detective in Poky? Sorry not certain on the actual title. And is this training for that roll? Or are you pushing up to the next level? Gail's always been so independant but 3 months is a long time to be seperated, how did she do?
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