Monday, August 31, 2009

Running fetish update

So I am excited to say I have worked my body up to a solid 6 mile run and stretch to a 9 mile regularly. I am now running for a different half marathon in October and feel good about being ready. Rory got new tenni-shoes for school and wants to run with me everyday. She is on fire about getting tough. She wants big muscles and weight lifts too. I think they are just about ready for their own little race too. Her and City are in soccer which has also helped get them excited about being fit. I wish there were more hours in the day, now with school it is tricky getting time to exercise with them. 

The girls just developed and illustrated their own reward program and call it Star Kids. They decided on their chores and made cards for each. Then they painted the boards and nailed hooks to put them on for each day of the week. At the end of each day if they get all their chores done then I give them a fake dollar which they go shopping with at the end of the week (in my store.) Rory is saving up for the Hanna Montana dress-up outfit, and felicity can't seem to get her head wrapped around saving yet but getting there. I have to say this first week into the program has been a blast with them, they are really becoming responsible young ladies. Here are a few of their illustraions:

1 comment:

Letty said...

Great job!!! You totally can do it! I wish I could be there with you.
I have one the end of this month I'm hoping my hip will hold out for. We shall see.
Isn't is fun to see our kids active and loving life and the world around them.
I'm sad we didn't get to chat the other day. The time zone thing messes me up!
I'll try to call you soon. I miss you!